Nine Months Later…

It’s been nine months since my last post.  I didn’t realize that it had been so long.  I guess life is really zooming on by.

We’ve only made a few trips to the homestead this year.  It’s tough to make the 3 hour or so one way drive with the baby.  He is ok for about 2 hours, but then he gets bored.  Once we get there, he doesn’t have much fun either.  With the ticks, the rocks, and the hilly terrain, he doesn’t get walking time – and he is really into walking right now.

Finding the time to go is also tough.  There is always plenty to do around the house.  I feel guilty making a trip to the homestead to work on things there when there is so much to do here.

I have also started working 6 day weeks.  That subtracts even more time from the homestead.

The dogs are good.  The little guy is good.  Jen is good.  I’m ok.

We plan to share more in the next couple of weeks.  But we always have big plans.
